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About the WordPress tool ChatGTP and how you install it on your website

  •  admin
  •  May 16, 2023

AI has been developed through the years and now have reached the fase that everybody can integrate it with ease in his business. The program exist on WordPress since 2020 and we’re talking here about the latest version powered by Powered by GPT-4. Go to “plugins” in the admin section of your WordPress installation, then “add plugin” and search for “GPT AI Power”, click on “install” and “activate”.

What are the benefits of the AI Power plugin for your business?

1. More generated leads
2. Increased sales
3. Saved costs
4. Improved customer engagement
5. Better marketing
6. Decreased bounce rate
7. Better customer insights
8. Recruitment support available
9. 24/7 availability
10. Better user experience
11. Multilingual support
12. Better personalization
13. Easier checkout
14. Proactive customer service
15. Faster response time
16. Multichannel support


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