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Growth of the online world

  •  admin
  •  May 6, 2017

From in our early childhood, we learned about the real world. The first perceiving of a newborn goes from distinguishing vague shapes to solid contours and recognising objects. And how these objects each have their place in a bigger world. By growing older we went in this bigger world and explored it. We went to school, on holidays and even further, loose from the Earth into the air of in space. But at the same also the awareness of a parallel world that you can only explore passively, from our chair. This is the Internet. We can all take part in this online world from only watching, subscribing and visiting websites and trying out apps to starting our own blog, website, forum or other to even creating more complicated programs and help to grow and renewing the web. The Internet is something new, just a little bit older than twenty years old. The world is still getting used at it and learning how businesses and individuals can take part in it. Even for you, there is a place on the internet if you haven’t yet started building your online presence. It depends completely on yourself, your education, eventually financial possibilities and inspiration if you will succeed and if your online creations will contribute to the improving of your life conditions.

The beginning of the Internet

Originally the web was developed to serve scientist in universities and other scientific organisations with automatic information-sharing. Tim Berners-Lee invented the internet in 1989 at CERN and run the first website ever on his NeXT computer. This website was dedicated to the World Wide Web project itself. In 1993 the World Wide Web softw<are was put in the public domain after which the internet was able to flourish. Of course, this was the end point of a longer http://getphphost.com/magazine/?p=648&preview=true going back to the fifties. Read more about the topics of the birth of the web on the CERN website and the project to restore world’s first website.

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The first browsers

The WorldWideWeb browser

WorldWideWeb icon


WorldWideWeb browser screenshot

WorldWideWeb browser screenshot

The first webbrowser was the WorldWideWeb browser created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1990 that only worked on the NeXT operating system.


Line-mode browser

WorldWideWeb was a great piece of software but it was important that the web became accessible to many kinds of computers not just NeXT machines. That’s why the Line-mode browser became in. Even today any website can be viewed with Line-mode browser:

View this website in line-mode

The first website ever

As mentioned already, the first website ever was made for internet purposes only although created at CERN, a sicientific organisation. There is also a project going on to testore this website. It hasn’t changed since the birth of Internet as you can control with the Waybackmachine. The Waybackmachine takes you on an online to the past to explore how websites looked from their exixtence on. On several points in time it makes screenshots of any homepage and keeps this on its server so that you can ask for the information on any time of its existence.

The growth of the Internet

Didn’t science fiction writer Gibson in his Idoru novel predict that in the near future (it was near future science fiction indeed) there would soon come a time where everybody would run his own website? And he was right. On Internet Live Stats you can follw the daily growth of the Internet by a running number.

Kinds of websites





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